+ Partner In Business

Hello, New World!

Welcome to Tech-son

Tech-son is a web-development company, who specialises in websites, so if youre looking to get started right away with your own website!

start below:

Let's Get Started

"Then if i want to teach, i can always just put it on my website...
It's the root of business.."

Security check:

It takes 2 millions year to crack a password with more than 20 characters, specialsigns, numbers, small & capital letters

Strength: Very Weak
Estimated Crack Time: Instant

Once payment is through, you will recieve an email or a phone call from partnersales@outlook.dk & +4591844006

Where we will discuss what you want & need for your website.

Hosting, development, service, webshop, SSL, hosting & top security you can trust

All you need & want, exclusive DNS! (Annualy , fixed pay)

No up-sales, no surprising fees

All for the price of 50$ (USD) a month!

(3months-up front and 50USD starting fee)

Longer you're customer, better the service&product you get

I/we thrieve to provide the best service, and continue to progress!

And i/we want the same for you!

Click below to get started:

Let's Get Started

Meet the CEO:

Name: Jack Jaconelli

Age: 30

Country: Denmark



Visit my site:


Security Check:

Use at-least 3-4 different passwords..

And computers you use for work/school and log on public wifis

Use a whole separate passwords..

NEVER log into ANYTHING using the other passwords, on your "public" PC

Buy a website now and save 30$ !

We also make USB Hard-drives, USB portable hard drives, with perma installed OS

see more below:

or check out our hard-drive store at:


If you need hosting or other services not mentioned,

you can contact below: